Left Brain vs Right Brain

Are we really Right Brained or Left Brained? A time-old way of categorizing someone’s personality is to determine whether that individual is “right-brained” or left-brained” — right-brained people are thought to be more spontaneous, creative, and artistic, while left-brainers are associated with being more logical, detail-oriented, analytical . Too bad it's not true . So where did this whole left brain vs. right brain idea start? It was born back in the 60s when a Nobel Prize-winning neuro-psychologist named Roger Sperry cut the hemisphere-connecting brain fibers in a number of epilepsy patients to reduce their seizures. Then he decided to run an experiment to compare how the right and left hemispheres processed information differently , and his study marked the beginning of the right-brain left-brain myth that would persist through the years. Trouble is, science never really supported this notion after that. More recently, brain scan technology has revealed ...